
EUR5 discount - Mobile and Internet subscriber

  • 3 December 2020
  • 2 reacties
  • 32 keer bekeken



I realized that I am no longer receiving the EUR 5 discount for my subscription to KPN Mobile and KPN Hussel Home internet. 

May I know If I’m still eligible please?

Dank je,


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2 reacties

Reputatie 4
Badge +5

Hi @alrey31, I registered your mobile number and internet package again. I see that the 5 euro discount stopped when the internet package from Telfort was ported to KPN. You will receive the 5 euro discount on your mobile number from now on. I've sent you a private message for the credit!



Hi @alrey31, I registered your mobile number and internet package again. I see that the 5 euro discount stopped when the internet package from Telfort was ported to KPN. You will receive the 5 euro discount on your mobile number from now on. I've sent you a private message for the credit!


Great. Thank you Sebastiaan!