
Your broadband physical link is down message

  • 2 May 2024
  • 1 reactie
  • 36 keer bekeken

My internet has stopped working (it has been fine up to now. I have wifi but on the browser it says

“Your broadband physical link is down.”


I have reset the router twice, and unplugged it (then reconnected it) but it is not working.

Please advise?


Beste antwoord door Denise van KPN 6 May 2024, 10:35

Bekijk origineel

1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +17

Please, first check if there's an outage via KPN Storingen. If there is no outage, you can continue using the servicetool for help with your internet connection. This tool will ask questions and will help you find a solution.
